VISION: Build Lifelong Skills

The changes that occur as an athlete progresses through a vision training program can last a lifetime. Vision training is unique in the fact that the gains that are made can remain indefinitely. Often traditional training programs are directed toward improving athletic performance, and emphasis is put on the development of strength, speed, and agility. Common knowledge knows that muscles start to atrophy when weight training ceases. Vision training does not develop muscle strength, but rather it develops coordination between your eyes and the rest of your body.

Coordination and efficiency are key. The brain appreciates the path of least resistance. It will pick the easiest way to perform a task, vision included. If a new and efficient method is developed, the brain has no incentive to choose the inefficient pathway that may have been used previously. This is the primary reason why vision training, once learned, sticks with you.

VisionX Sports training incorporates vision coordination training with all muscle groups, including both sides of the body, i.e. left and right, upper and lower. The more “systems” (visual, vestibular, gross motor, fine motor, etc) that are working together when training, the greater the chance that an efficient skill is developed. More cells that are firing together have a better chance of wiring together.

The visual system has everything to do with developing coordination and efficiency. Once baseline coordination and efficiency have been established, it essentially stays with the athlete indefinitely.

Authors: Dr. Ryan Edwards and Dr. Lindsey Stull 


EYE-HAND COORDINATION and it's utmost importance